REVIEW: European Romantic Review
REVIEW: PROJECT MUSE: “You just have to listen to him: try to hear his voice, try to follow his processes of his mind.”
REVIEW: The Byron Journal, Volume 52, Issue 1. 2024
REVIEW: Lord Byron—Seven Takes by David Mason
THE LRB PODCAST: Byron before Byron. Clare Bucknell and Thomas Jones
London Review of Books: His Own Dark Mind, Clare Bucknell
SOMETHING POSITIVE: substantial truth and cultural gloom
BOOK REVIEW: TLS, 26 May, Seamus Perry
VIDEO: Jerome McGann and Bernard Beatty discussing their new books
BOOK REVIEW: The BARS Review, Peter Francev, Victor Valley College
BOOK REVIEW: The review of English Studies, Jonathan Sachs
BOOK REVIEW: The high stakes of reading and of writing about Byron
Reading Byron Book Launch - Bernard Beatty in conversation with Lord Byron
Reading Byron Book Launch - Poetry Reading
Reading Byron Book Launch - Audience Questions
Book Launch at the Art Workers Guild, London, 15 November
Dark Seriousness and a conversation at Kyiv Airport – how this new book came about
‘Byron’ still often approximates to ‘Rupert Everett with a limp’.
Byron's Don Juan, Routledge, 1985, republished 2017